How to Clean a Coffee Maker with Bleach -2022

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. Even if you’re not a coffee drinker, there is an undeniable comfort to waking up in the morning and making yourself a hot fresh cup. If it has been a while since you last cleaned yours, then this post is for you. How do you make coffee? If you have a coffee maker, then it’s easy! But what if your coffee maker needs to be clean? How to clean a coffee maker with bleach? 

While widely may accept, most people will probably agree that coffee is a kind of lifeblood. The morning rouse gets us going and sustains us for the rest of the day, especially in the late afternoon.

People who don’t have time to brew coffee in the morning might benefit from having a coffee maker in their kitchen. Bleach is an excellent cleaning solution for coffee makers since it can use quickly and easily.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to clean your coffee maker with bleach so that it will always look and smell fresh.

You will need Materials

Materials are essential to a project. You will need material to set up the process.

Blend the Bleach and Water

To clean a coffee maker:

  1. Start by pouring bleach and water into the reservoir.
  2. Plug it in to provide power for the cleaning process.
  3. Allow about 30 minutes before unplugging from this step as you allow chemicals do their work with your machine’s grimey bits.

Blend some bleach and water until too well mixed up so that no lumps or clumps are floating around on top (this will help make sure all those icky germs get scrubbed off). Pour them inside your empty coffee pot, and then let ‘er rip! After allowing these two ingredients to sit for at least 15-20 minutes without moving anything else around much — leave everything is while we wait out our chemical reaction.

Use the Coffee Maker’s Full Cycle

Keeping your coffee pot from growing old and smelling bad is a great way to save time and money. See how this neat tip works:

  • If you plan on using a full carafe of coffee, fill the reservoir of your coffeemaker. Every gallon of water requires one cup of bleach to treat.
  • Run it through once, which will completely clean everything within?
  • Before doing anything else, refill the tank with fresh, cleaner water.

To remove the coffee from the pot

Brewing coffee is an art form. To make your cup of Joe the perfect drink, you need to have all pieces in place: a filter (or paper towel), ground beans or grounds, water-heated just below boiling point, and poured over grinds at slow speed.

How To Clean A Coffee Maker With Bleach

However, after brewing it for about 2-3 minutes, some people fear their precious hot liquid may boil dry if they don’t remove it from its pot quickly enough. Can do this by sliding a metal spoon across the top edge of the pitcher utilizing one hand to support the other hold.

The lid is on tightly until obliterated; alternatively, always keep a cardboard box handy near the stovetop. So that when ready, any excess liquids spilling onto the counter are contained inside the said container instead of making a mess.

Keep Doing This Until All the Bleach Water Is Gone

To properly run the system, you must flow a whole gallon of water through it. Your drip coffee maker will determine how many times you need to run this. It’s essential to make sure you go through everything and never leave your coffee maker unattended others might use it even if you did not bleach it.

Use Hot Water to Clean

To clean a dirty coffee machine, mix one hot or warm water cup with a gallon of water. You will need to utilize hot water to reduce the time it takes to heat water for the brew cycle. Bringing water to a boil rapidly results in a better-tasting beverage.

Use this process five times, being sure to put new hot water through your coffee system each time. To make sure that the system is free of bleach residue, you should run 5 gallons of water through it.

Try to Sense the Freshness of the Final Water Supply

Have a sniff of the finished water, and it should have no aroma. Bleach does have a unique odor. Therefore if there is no bleach odor, you may safely assume everything is okay. When it comes to precision, you should perform a pH test to see if the PH level is 7.

Air Dry

For one day in the sun or many days on the countertop, air dry upside down. It is an important milestone! Any residual bleach deposits harden and turn—after exposure to the outside air, it leaves behind tiny white specks. Make sure to continue pumping new water through your machine if you notice these.

Safe Use how to Clean a Coffee Maker with Bleach

Bleaching your dishes may be practical, but it is certainly not safe for any food or drink that comes into contact with it. It might leave residues that are dangerous if not washed thoroughly.

If you’ve found that ordinary detergent isn’t cleaning your machine effectively, and you’d want to give bleach a try, follow these instructions:

Never, under any circumstances, does one want to pump bleach directly into a coffee machine. Should mix approximately 2 to 3 tablespoons of a pure compound with a large volume of water (1 cup).

It will help if you allow the solution to cool before rinsing it.

Follow the instructions on the manufacturer’s instructions for removing bleach residue, then run water through the machine at least five times.

Using the equipment as soon as possible after air-drying the individual components is strongly advised.

In most retail locations, it is possible to purchase bleach solution test strips that are extremely valuable in testing the water passed through the coffee maker to verify there are no traces of bleach present. With the strip lights lighting up, it’s probable bleach is used.

Here Are Some More Cleaning Tips for Coffee Makers

Coffee is the most famous drink in America, but this delicious beverage can be hard to enjoy when your coffee maker starts spewing dirty water and grounds. Instead of trying to clean it with a toothbrush or whatever you find around the house- which often doesn’t work anyway- try these tips for preventing buildup: 

  • When all brewing has finished on an entire pot (even if not consumed), remove the filter immediately after removing from heat and let it air dry completely before inserting it into the holder again.
  • Clean quickly after each use by wiping down interior surfaces that come into contact with brewed coffee using vinegar diluted 1/4 cup per 4 cups water, then rinse thoroughly;
  • Leave any milk out overnight.

Is There a Safer Bleach Alternative That Is Effective?

While bleach is an effective option for cleaning your coffee system, there are certainly safer options.

Clean your coffee maker by using white vinegar or lemon juice with salt. While bleach works better, it is also considerably less safe. What is the relevance of this?

When used in conjunction with salt and heat, vinegar and lemon juice have antimicrobial qualities (salt we can add, heat the coffee maker does on its own). Second, they both have a spicy taste rather than a sweet taste (bleach). Only vinegar and lemon juice remove calcium deposits, while bleach does not.

How to clean a coffee maker with baking soda

To get your coffee maker squeaky clean, you should. Firstly fill it with water and scrub the within of the pot with baking soda. Then mix 1/2 a cup of white vinegar into about 2 cups of hot tap water to create an acidic solution that will deep-clean any stubborn stains or mineral deposits. 

Pour this mixture into the machine’s reservoir before turning on its heating element, then wait 10 minutes for everything to settle down and after which, turn off the power once boiling has ceased. Afterward, rinse out all parts thoroughly under running warm water while ensuring not too much excess liquid stays within chambers; replace filter assembly if necessary and rubber gasket sealant (if applicable).

How to Clean a Coffee Maker Without Vinegar

Baking soda is both inexpensive and non-toxic, making it an efficient cleaning agent, and its alkaline characteristics further promote its efficacy.

To make a basic alkaline cleaner, mix a cup of hot water with a sector cup of baking soda.

Perform one cycle of the coffee maker using this formula.

Run the system through at least one or two flushes of freshwater.


Is It Safe to Use Bleach to Clean a Coffee Maker?

Yes, absolutely! Use water and white vinegar instead of bleach to clean your coffeemaker’s brewing mechanism. Will remove hard water buildup if you run white household vinegar during the brew cycle. 
When you want to clean the outside surface of a coffeemaker or filter, you may use a solution of half-and-half bleach and water.

What Is the Best Way to Clean the Inside of a Coffee Maker?

Cleaning your auto-drip coffee maker with vinegar requires at least four cups of undiluted vinegar to be added to the reservoir. 
Let this rest for thirty minutes. Once the vinegar has gone through a brewing cycle, it’s ready. The vinegar smell will have disappeared at this point, followed by fresh water in two to three successive cycles.

How Often Should I Clean My Coffee Maker?

You should do regular clean-up of your coffee machine at least once every week. According to McGee, to keep the coffee maker running at optimal performance, clean it roughly once per month.
Brew basket residue and germs can accumulate in the brewing components due to coffee grounds remaining in the basket after brewing.

What Happens If You Don’t Clean Your Coffee Maker?

If you do not descale your coffee machine, what will happen? You will not be able to fully extract the full taste of your coffee beans if the water temperature cannot reach its ideal brewing temperature.
 When mineral scale accumulation blocks water flow, it can lead to machinery failure. You won’t be able to enjoy your coffee until it is sufficiently hot.


When cleaning a coffee maker, the task is so challenging that you may want to consider getting a new machine. Bleach is a viable choice for cleaning coffee machine sediment, but it’s not a very safe one.  However, it is always essential to clean your coffee maker with bleach if it has even the slightest amount of dirt. To prevent using undiluted bleach, always rinse thoroughly after rinsing to remove all signs of bleach.